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Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Things You Didn't Know Your iPhone Could Do

Even though we use our iPhones all day every day, there are still a handful of features that are relatively unknown.Some of these features are buried in the Settings menu while others are hidden in plain sight.Whether it’s downloading top-notch apps, listening to music on iTunes or asking Siri for help, there’s never a shortage of neat things you can do on your iPhone. But here are a few fun tricks you probably didn’t know your device was capable of.

Emoji Shortcuts

Did you know your iPhone lets you type out your emojis with shortcuts? Say you’ve created a shortcut named “heartz” for the heart emoji; this means every time you type in “heartz” in a message, the aforementioned emoji will immediately appear. It sure beats the hassle of switching keyboards. Click here to see how it’s done.

Snap Pics with Your Headphones

One super-easy trick that many people still don’t know: once you’ve launched the iPhone camera app you can tap the Volume Up (+) button on your headphones to take a picture. It’s perfect for snapping selfies or pics from afar. You can also use them to ignore calls, prompt Siri, rewind a song and more – click here to learn more about the hidden controls of the iPhone headphones.

Shake It Out

Don’t like what you just typed? Just shake your iPhone to get rid of it. Once you do, you’ll have the option to Undo Typing. You can shake it once more to Redo Typing, in case you change your mind. This even works if you’ve accidentally archived or deleted an email. Simply shake your phone to Undo Archive or Undo Trash.

Read It Off-Line

Want to save an online article to read later? Press down on the page and wait for a menu to pop up. Then tap Add to Reading List. Your article is then saved to your Reading List, which is located within the Bookmarks icon in Safari’s navigation bar. The best part is that you can access this list off-line. So, you’ll be able to read all your saved articles even when you don’t have INTERNET access.

Up In the Air

Even if you’re not in the air, you should turn your device on Airplane Mode while it’s charging. Why? Because with all the data cut off, your iPhone will charge a lot faster. It comes in handy when you’re running low on juice and need a quick charge.

To the Right, To the Right

Forget back buttons. From the edge of the screen, swipe to the right to go back to your previous page. It works in Mail, Messages, Safari and even on certain apps like Instagram.

Use Siri to Tweet

Siri has your back when it comes to keeping up with your social media updates. Command her to Post a Tweet and she’ll do it for you. Just be sure your device is logged in to your Twitter account first. Click here to see how it’s done.

Custom Vibrations

Custom ringtones are fun, but if your iPhone is usually set to vibrate, you may get more out of setting up custom vibrations. To do this, select someone from your Contacts List and tap Edit. Scroll down to Vibration. You can choose from stock vibrations like Heartbeat, Rapid and S.O.S or choose Create New Vibration to make your own pattern. Click here to learn more about custom vibrations.

Turn Off Read Receipts

If you don’t want others to know when you’ve read their messages, simply disable Read Receipts. Go to your Settings, tap Messages and then turn off the Send Read Receipts function. It’s as easy as that.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Be Part to STOP Global Warming Here Easy Ways To Stop Global Warming

Easy Ways To Stop Global Warming

Burning fossil fuels such as natural gas, coal, oil and gasoline raises the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and carbon dioxide is a major contributor to the greenhouse effect and global warming. Global climate change is certainly one of the top environmental issues today.

You can help to reduce the demand for fossil fuels, which in turn reduces global warming, by using energy more wisely. Here are 10 simple actions you can take to help reduce global warming.

Global warming has increased in vast increments in the last decade. In fact, in the last 50 years, the earth’s global temperature has increased by 3%. Pollution caused by the release of carbon dioxide into the air creates a blanket over the atmosphere. Global warming can cause a whole chain of events to rupture ecosystems, weather patterns, and a variety of other factors. We all play a part in our future.
More from global warming:

1. Replace Regular Incandescent Light bulb: Replace regular incandescent light bulb with compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. They consume 70% less energy then ordinary bulbs and have longer lifetime.

2. Drive Less or Carpool: By driving less you are not only saving fuel but also helping in reducing global warming. Also, look out for other possibilities, for e.g.: car pooling. If you have colleagues who live in the same area then you can combine trips. If you need to go to a local market then either walk or go by cycle. Both of them are great form of exercise. The biggest pollution emitting fumes are caused by oil and gasoline. Cutting down consumption, is a huge step to reducing energy wastes.

3. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Reduce your need to buy new products or use less, resulting in a smaller amount of waste. Even if you need to buy, consider buying eco-friendly products. It is most effective of the three R’s. It simply says cut back from where are you now.

Reuse bottles, plastic containers, and other items bought at the grocery store. Reusing water bottles, yogurt cups, bread ties, and other items is being conscious about what is already out there. It will lessen having to purchase other items that would fulfill the same function. Try to use the disposable products into some other form. Just don’t throw them away.

Recycling unwanted paper, bottles, etc…is a great earth saving tip. If possible, upcycle tables, furniture, and other outdated items to keep landfills clean. You can recycle almost anything for e.g.: paper, aluminum foils, cans, newspapers. By recycling you can help in reducing landfills.

4. Go Solar: Many people have caught the energy efficient band wagon of solar energy. Having solar panels installed is something readily possible and available. Incentives and discounts given by government agencies and energy companies make solar energy something to look into.

5. Buy Energy-Efficient Appliances: Always buy products that are energy efficient as they can help you save good amount of money on your energy bill. Energy-efficient products can help you to save energy, save money and reduce your carbon footprint.

6. Reduce Waste: Landfills are the major contributor of methane and other greenhouse gases. When the waste is burnt, it release toxic gases in the atmosphere which result in global warming. Reusing and recycling old items can significantly reduce your carbon footprint as it takes far less energy to recycle old items than to produce items from scratch.

7. Use Less Hot Water: Buy energy saving geysers and dishwasher for your home. Avoid washing clothes in hot water. Just wash them in cold or warm water. Avoid taking frequent showers and use less hot water. It will help in saving energy require to produce that energy.

8. Avoid Products With Lot of Packaging: Just don’t buy products with lot of packaging. When you buy such products you will end up in throwing the waste material in the garbage, which then will help in filling landfill sites and pollute the environment. Also, discourage others from buying such products.

9. Install a Programmable Thermostat: A programmable thermostat doesn’t cost much and its cost can be recovered from the amount that you save by reducing energy. The easiest and most cost effective advice is simply adjusting your thermostat up 1 degree down in the winter and up by 1 degree in the summer. Lower your thermostat 2 degrees in the winter. Instead of making your home a burning furnace, try putting on extra layers.

10. Turn Off the Lights: If you’re not using a room, there’s no need for the light to be on.

11. Turn off Electronic Devices: Turn off electronic devices when you are moving out for a couple of days or more. Unnecessary usage of electronic appliances will not only save fuel i.e. coal by which we get electricity but also increase the lifetime of your gadgets.

12. Plant a Tree: Planting trees can help much in reducing global warming then any other method. They not only give oxygen but also take in carbon dioxide, during the process of photosynthesis, which is the main source of global warming.

13. Use Clean Fuel: Electric, smart cars, cars run on vegetable oil, etc…are great examples for using renewable energy. Supporting companies that provide these products will help the rest of the mainstream manufacturing companies convert over.

14. Look for Renewable Fuel Options: If you can’t afford an electric car, buy the cleanest gasoline as possible. When car shopping, look at the benefits of options that provide renewable fuel. Although it may be a pretty penny now, you’re on the ground level of forward thinking.

15. Save Energy: When you consume less, the less carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. Setting your thermostat using your smart phone or changing the type of light bulb you use is a great start.

16. Replace Filters on Air Conditioner and Furnace: If you haven’t, not only are you wasting energy, but breathing in dirty air. Cleaning a dirty air filter can save several pounds of carbon dioxide a year.

17. Go Green: Using energy star appliances will not only save money, but also the amount of energy wasted in your home. Have a look at various ways to go green.

18. Tune Your Car Regularly: Regular maintenance will help your car function properly and emit less carbon dioxide.

19. Download Earth Saving Apps: Apps like Kil-Ur-Watts and Wiser EMS not only help calculate your energy costs, but provide tools and ways to save energy and money.

20. Conserve Water: This is a tired tip, but ever so important. If we added up the water wasted by the millions of Americans brushing their teeth, we could provide water to more than 23 nations with unclean, drinking water. Remember, it takes energy to draw and filter water from underground.

Taking a quick 5 minute shower will greatly conserve energy. The type of shower head used, will also aid in combating global warming. Take showers instead of baths. Showers use less water than baths by 25%. Over the course of a year that’s hundreds of gallons saved.

21. Stop Idling Your Car: It might be freezing outside, but unless your car is buried in snow, start your car as usual. It may take longer to warm up, but the world isn’t just about you.

22. Eat Less Hamburger: Besides carbon dioxide, methane introduced into the air contributes to global warning. With meat consumed by the seconds, the amount of cows breathing out methane is a huge contributor, thanks to our carnivorous diet and the billion-dollar meat industry.

23. Use Clothesline to Dry Your Clothes: Think of your grandmother when you do this. Most clothes shouldn’t be put in the dryer anyway.

24. Eat Naturally: Not only do the health benefits speak wonders for those who eat naturally, but it cuts down the energy costs used by factories who produce processed food.

25. Ride Your Bike: Not only is bike riding, healthy it reduces the amount of CO2 released into the air. Walking is another easy way to reduce global warming.

26. Use a Kitchen Cloth Instead of Paper Towels: Paper towels produce nothing but wasted energy. Think of the factory pollution, as well as the tree consumption.

27. Reuse Towels: Hang towels to dry, instead of popping them back in the wash after a few uses.

28. Check Your Tires: When you drive make sure your tires are inflated properly. If not, then your vehicle might consume more fuel which in turn release more CO2 in the atmosphere. Keep your engine properly tuned and drive less aggressively. Aggressive driving and frequent applying of brakes hampers the engine and can even lower the mileage of your car.

29. Take Lunch in a Tupperware: Each time you throw away that brown paper sack, more brown paper sacks are being produced in a factory as we speak.

30. Wrap your water heater in insulation: By keeping the energy in the water heater condensed, less energy is emitted into the air. This not only helps the earth, but your pocketbook.

31. Get Home Energy Audit Done: Call a home energy audit company and get an audit done for your home that will help you to identify areas that consume lot of energy and are not energy efficient at all.

32. Become Part of the Global Warming Community: Connecting with others will help you become more conscious of the impact we all have. The Climate Change National Forum and Global Humanitarian Forum are great avenues to know the latest facts, statistics, and efforts in making a difference.

33. Actually celebrate Arbor Day and Earth day: Although most of us hear about these days in passing, see what the buzz is all about. Plant a tree, pick up trash, or join a forum.

34. Become Aware of Your Contribution: With technology within your fingertips, finding information about protecting the environment is everywhere. To help emit less CO2, the first step is being aware of how much you contribute.

35. Spread the Awareness: 
Always try your best to educate people about global warming and it’s causes and after affects. Tell them how they can contribute their part by saving energy that will be good for the environment. Gather opportunities and establish programs that will help you to share information with friends, relatives and neighbors.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Healthy Foods in the World

We should be very much aware to keep our body healthy because this is the place where we are living. What is exactly meant by healthy eating? It can be defined as the eating different things in a proper manner that will provide your body all the required nutrients. So, here we are listing Top 10 Healthy Foods in the world.

Top 10 Healthy Foods in the World

1. Almond

Almond is one of the most Healthy Foods in the world. It has many health benefits that any other nuts that exist in the world. Almonds are very rich in proteins and minerals. The fatty acids present in Almond helps to regulate sugar level, blood pressure and also help to boost immune system. They are very much famous for increasing your brain activities because it contains riboflavin and L-carnitine. Almond has very high phosphorous content that helps to make your bones and teeth strong. Also the Vitamin E present in the nuts helps to decrease the risk of heart diseases.


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2. Apple

The Juicy apples are considered to be one of the healthiest foods in the world. The fruit has been rich in dietary fiber, phytonutrients, thiamin, riboflavin and vitamin B-6. There are many benefits of Apple like it can protect against the Parkinson’s diseases because of the high viber content. If you are drinking apple juice regularly it will keep your brain young and active because it contains high level of acetylcholine. Apple has antioxidant properties that will improve your immune system, prevent cataracts and lower your risk of asthma.


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3. Avocado

The Avocado is cultivated in very large quantity in many countries like Mexico, Chile, Dominican Republic and United States. The fruit is very rich in essential minerals and vitamins. It contains Vitamin A, D, C, B-6, B-12, Magnesium, Calcium and Iron. There are many benefits of avocado like it will risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases because of dietary fibre content. The fruit has a high level of monounsaturated fats hat can regulate the sugar level in your body. They are also a source of antioxidants namely carotenoid lutein that helps to reduce eye problems like macular degeneration and cataracts. It is also one of the Healthy Foods in the world.


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4. Walnut

They are oldest known tree food in the world dated back in 10000 B.C. The nuts are cultivated in U.S, France, Romania and China. The nuts are known for their many medical properties. Walnuts has chemicals like melatonin, carotenoids and ellagic acid that will reduce inflammation, aging and neurological diseases. It has many essentials minerals like manganese, copper, iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium. These minerals help in regulating your digestion.


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5. Salmon

Salmon are the good source of vitamins, minerals and proteins. Salmons have two important fatty acids namely EPA and DHA. These fatty acids will prevent against cardiovascular disease, brain diseases, reduce inflammation and blood clots. The fruit is also very helpful to improve your mood and cognition.


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6. Garlic

Garlic is acting as natural medicines since ages. It is also used as a ingredient that is used as a flavour for food. They are very rich in nutrient and very low in calories. They are capable of fighting against many diseases. The daily intake of garlic helps in preventing colon cancer. They are also helps in reducing harmful LDL cholesterol. They are also very helpful in reducing sugar and insulin.


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7. Spinach

Spinach is a rich source of Vitamin A, C, K, B2, iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. According to science the consumption of Spinach is good for your skin, bone and hair. The high fibre content is very good for digestive system. If you are taking spinach on the daily basis it will be increase your muscle efficiency.


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8. Sweet Potato

The Sweet Potato is very easily available and is good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin B-6, potassium and calcium. There is no fat content in the sweet potato so they are very good for your health. The antioxidant compounds in sweet potato will protect you against cancer and will be very good for your eyes. The Vitamin A and Vitamin E present in the sweet potato will boost your immune system.


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9. Banana

The Banana is the fruit available all year around and has numerous health benefits. The banana is helpful in relieving morning sickness, reduce tension, cure diabetes and improve heart health. Banana are fat free and have many types of vitamins like manganese, vitamin C, potassium, dietary fibre, iron, vitamin A and protein.


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10. Dark Chocolate

If you are taking Dark Chocolate in a moderate amount there are numerous health benefits. Dark Chocolate is rich in Iron, Magnesium, Fibre and Copper. It is rich in calories so if you are taking in large quantity it can lead to weight gain.


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Most Magnificent Caribbean Islands

Barbados, Magnificent Caribbean Islands

Caribbean Islands are one of the best and beautiful tourist attractions in the world. It is a combination of about 7 thousand islands. The tourist always remain confuse which island to visit. The facts are that every island is amazingly beautiful in its landscape and offer multiple services to its visitors. So, here we are listing 10 most magnificent Caribbean Islands in order to reduce your confusion and will be very helpful in planning your trip to the beautiful islands.

Most Magnificent Caribbean Islands

1. Jamaica

Jamaica is the heart of Caribbean Islands. They have magnificent beaches and beautiful landscape. Jamaica is also known for reggae music and resorts. The Flora and wildlife of the island is quite famous among the tourist. There will be many exclusive offers that are only available on the Jamaica island resorts. There is good news for the golfers as island have the best golf courses in all the Caribbean.

The average temperature of the island is 27 degree Celsius. According to the reviews of the tourist, The Jamaican people are very friendly and always there for the visitors for any kind of help. The Rastafari and Kumina music forms will give you a lifetime experience. The beaches are very clean. The seven mile beach is one of the most popular Jamaica beach. The sunset experience of the beach will also give you a lifelong memory.

Jamaica, Magnificent Caribbean Islands

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2. Barbados

Barbados is also one of the perfect destinations for the tourist in Caribbean. It is basically known for its fantastic climate and clean beaches. The tourist also comes here for the delicious food and nice restaurants. The beautiful landscape beauty and different cultural activities will give you a lifetime experience. The island has been formed by the oceanic sediments having limestone foundation. The island is gifted with many natural underwater lakes and caves. The Harrison cave is the most beautiful among all the caves. The lively city of Bridgetown is also very famous among the visitors.

The crystal clear water flows through the caves thus creating beautiful waterfalls and pools.

Barbados, Magnificent Caribbean Islands

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3. Aruba

The beach is very famous for the beach activities because the weather is mostly warm and has sunny skies. The vacation destination is quite famous among the tourist. The island is situated in the Southern Caribbean Sea. The island is also famous for its white sandy beaches, beautiful landscape and warm weather. It comes under the Kingdom of Netherlands. The Arikok national park situated on the Aruba islands are one of the most visited place by tourist. There will be many beautiful rock formation and diverse wildlife that will give a long memory. The accommodation at Aruba island is quite cheap and you will find beautiful view of the Caribbean Islands.

The nightlife of the island is also very amazing and there are many casinos too situated on the island. They have a desert like appearance rather than forest. There will be many activities available at the island for all kind of age groups.

Aruba,Magnificent Caribbean Islands

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4. Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is a combination of larger and smaller islands. They are well known for its perfect weather condition thus making it perfect place to visit throughout the year. The temperature will be around 21 to 26 degree Celsius all year around. The white sandy beaches of Puerto Rico are very famous among the global tourist. The visitors love different activities like sailing, surfing and snorkeling. Puerto Rico is a home to Yunque National Forest which is the only tropical rainforest that lies within the U.S territory. It is also home to amazing waterfalls and unique wildlife.

The U.S citizen does not need a passport to visit this island. The cities San Juan and Ponce offer has lot of historical sites that must be visited if you are going to Puerto Rico. It has also a amazing nightlife and casinos.

Puerto Rico

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5. Antigua

Antigua is a small group of islands which is very popular among the tourist as a gambling destination. The island is also known for its great restaurants, cafes and discos. The beaches have beautiful white and pink sandy beaches that look very beautiful. The local people are very friendly. Antigua islands have also very exciting night life. It is also known as Waladli or Wadadli by the native population. It is also one of the most important island of Antigua and Barbuda. Antigua economy is totally dependent on the tourism and they promote the island as a luxury Caribbean escape.

The country’s official currency is the East Caribbean dollar.


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6. Anguilla

Anguilla islands are most famous for its white sandy beaches among the tourist. If you are planning to stay on the island for more than three days then you will able to explore all the parts of the island. The island has about 30 beaches and all are very clean and beautiful. The island is basically for that kind tourist who is searching for the peaceful environment on the beaches and less crowded island of all Caribbean Islands.

The nightlife of the small island is also very exciting and will give you a lifelong memory for sure.


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7. Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic is the second largest country of Caribbean and has a fantastic tropical weather conditions all year around. So you need not to plan that which part of the year you have to visit Dominican Republic. The place is famous among tourist for its clean beaches, crystal clear water and beautiful landscape including stunning mountains. The capital Santo Domingo of Dominican Republic contains many historical sites and also known for its thrilling history. The capital of the country was founded by the brother of Bartolome Columbus in the year 1496.Santo Domingo is also a UNESCO world heritage site since 1990.

The country is also known for its music and dance just like Jamaica and most famous form is merengue. Merengue is a fusion of African and European musical forms. Dominican rock is also one of the most famous dance forms in the country. Its a must visited Caribbean Islands among all the islands.

Dominican Republic, Magnificent Caribbean Islands

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8. Bermuda

Bermuda is considered to be one of the most elegant beaches of all islands. The island is also a ideal place for the golfers and cricket lovers. Local people along with tourist playing cricket matches can be very easily seen in different parts of the island. The island has also any class golf courses being made for the local people and the tourist. The island can be reached very easily from New York. The Eastern U.S. Flights from New York city will take you to the Bermuda in only 2 hours.

The place has a huge British influence and still you will be seeing the traditional British afternoon tea being servers at many parts of the island.


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9. Curacao

The island is located in south western Caribbean and known for its pleasant and mild temperature all year around. It is also one of the largest islands in Norwegian Antilles. Curacao lies just below the hurricane belt that is the main reason for its mild and pleasant weather all year around. The delicious food and clean beaches make it one of the favourite Caribbean Islands among tourist. The island is also very famous for its beautiful art and architecture. The Willemstad capital of Curacao has many building that clearly signifies the history of the island.

The capital city Willemstad is also a UNESCO world heritage site since 1997. The local art of Curacao are very much admired by the international tourist. The sculptures and the beautiful paintings too can be enjoyed. It is also one of the best Caribbean Islands.

Curacao, Magnificent Caribbean Islands

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10. St. Lucia

St. Lucia is a very popular spot for the couples. The landscape beauty of the island is amazing. The people of the island are also very friendly and will welcome with their full spirit. The beaches are very clean. There are many resorts you will be find on the island and services on the all the resorts are very god. There will be many offers you will find in different resorts thus making it comfortable for you to make a budget choice. The annual jazz festival is very famous among the tourist and will give you a lifetime experience.

St. Lucia

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Saturday, July 2, 2016

Apps to Stop Your Smartphone Addiction

If you're like most busy professionals today, it can be hard to tear yourself away from your phone screen. With apps, email, and social media all at the tip of our fingers, we're constantly distracted by the mobile world. It may seem counterintuitive to use an app to unplug, but in an age where we use our smartphones for almost everything, it makes sense to fight fire with fire.
Here are six apps that can help you to, well, stop using your apps:
1. Offtime (iOS, Android)
This app helps users unplug by blocking distracting apps like Facebook and games and filtering communications. It includes information on how much you actually use your smartphone. You can choose tailored modes like Work, Family, or Me Time to ensure that you have access to the things you need, but aren't distracted by what you don't. Analytics of your phone and app usage can be an important wake-up call, and can help you curb your habits.
2. Moment (iOS)
Moment tracks your device usage and allows you to set daily limits; the app notifies you if you exceed them. You can even use a setting that "forces" you off your phone by flooding your screen with annoying alerts when you try to extend your screen time. Moment can also be used for families, with the option to track your family's device use from your own phone.
3. BreakFree (iOS, Android)
BreakFree incorporates the usage tracking features found in many similar apps, but it differs in that it breaks down the information into an easy-to-understand "addiction score." It also shows you how often you unlock your phone screen, and comprehensively logs your usage for the day. This system makes it a great choice for those who like to set goals and challenge themselves. In an ironic twist, it can almost be addictive to try to see how low you can get your addiction score.
4. Flipd (Android)
If you find that you need a more aggressive approach to unplugging, Flipd is the app for you. Flipd allows you to lock your phone for a set period of time, and once you do, there's no going back. Even restarting your phone won't disable the app, so it's impossible for you to cheat! Flipd can even be used to remotely "flip off" one user from another user's device, which is helpful for teams that want to keep one another on point.
5. AppDetox (Android)
Hooked on mobile games? Can't stop refreshing Twitter? AppDetox can help you get your fixation under control if apps are your kryptonite. You can set your own parameters on an app-by-app basis so you can have access when it's not a disruption. Every time you break one of your own rules, the app reminds you to put down your phone.
6. Stay on Task (Android)
Stay on Task helps your productivity in a gentler way. The app simply asks if you're still on task at random intervals during your day. If you're someone who easily gets distracted, this app can be a great way to redirect your focus when your mind is wandering.


Friday, July 1, 2016

Business Ideas to Start While Working Full-Time

Part-time business ideas can be a great way to earn a second income while continuing with your full-time job. Explore all the part-time start-up possibilities and small business ideas in our extensive guides on starting part-time businesses
Make new money from old treasures and have fun doing it! Scout garage sales, estate auctions and flea markets for great buys on antique furniture, toys, clothing and other treasures from the past. Rent space at antique cooperatives, or set up booths at weekend fairs to sell your antiques.
Computer Tutor
Whether you're an expert at Windows or Linux, desktop publishing or Web research, HTML or word processing, you can help anyone enhance their computer skills. Start promoting your computer-training services by teaching classes through organizations in your community which offer adult education courses.
Custom Jewelry and AccessoriesPut your creative talents to work designing custom jewelry and accessories. Whether you work with sterling silver or recycled metals, clay or papier-mâché, there's a market for your custom earrings, pins, bracelets, necklaces and belt buckles at art shows, crafts fairs and holiday boutiques.
Espresso CartBrew up profits day after day! Specialty coffee drinks generate gross profits of 55.1 to 61.5 percent per cup, says the Specialty Coffee Association of America. So brush up on your coffee drinks, buy or rent an espresso cart, and head for sporting events, concerts and farmers' markets in your community.
Garage and Attic Cleaning/Hauling ServiceNobody likes to spend a weekend cleaning out the garage, attic or garden shed--it's dirty and time-consuming, and when it's done, there's still the task of hauling off all that discarded junk. But if you don't mind putting in the physical labor, a cleaning and hauling service can be a lot of fun. You can usually find a few treasures among the trash which most people are delighted to give away, and you can add to your income by recycling bottles, newspapers and metal castoffs. You'll need a pick-up truck or other vehicle capable of carrying everything from cast-iron sinks to old timbers.
If it's broke, you can fix it. Your phone will ring off the hook with calls from homeowners, senior citizens and others who don't want to fix it themselves. Advertise in shopper publications and on bulletin boards, and drop off fliers at real estate offices. Then start repairing everything from leaky faucets to broken windows.
Home InspectionBuyers need not beware when they hire a home inspector to conduct a complete physical checkup on their dream home. You'll inspect the house for structural problems and refer your clients to the contractors or handymen who can make the repairs. Knowledge of construction and your local building codes will get your business off the ground.
Medical TranscriptionWork as an important member of a medical team without leaving your homebased office. There's big demand by hospitals, doctors, dentists, chiropractors and veterinarians who need outside help transcribing patient medical records. Training in medical terminology and linguistic skills will keep your business healthy.
Mobile Home-Entertainment ServiceWhen it's dirty, disconnected or in need of repair, you'll save the day for homeowners who want their stereo, compact-disc player or videocassette recorder in working order. Brush up on your electrical and wiring know-how. Door-to-door fliers and calls to retail-store managers about your services will get your business off to a great start.
Mobile Window TintWith some training and basic equipment, you'll be seeing plenty of green with your mobile window-tinting business. For best results, have a pager and van ready to help car, van and truck owners prevent heat damage to their vehicles' interiors. Other hot markets: homes, high-rise condominiums and office buildings.
Office and Home OrganizerAttention all neatniks: Help packrats, overworked executives, and other organizationally challenged individuals clean out messy closets, straighten files, and throw out the excess clutter. Putting your knack for neatness to part-time business use is bound to arrange some tidy profits for you.
Personal ChefWhat's for dinner, honey? Great home-cooked meals for working parents and busy professionals who hire you as a personal chef. There's plenty of demand for this specialized service. So plan your menu, make out your shopping list, and go to work to satisfy your hungry clientele.
Personal TrainerPumping iron; pumping profits. Americans of all ages, sizes and shapes want to keep fit, trim and healthy, and they're willing to hire their own personal coach to exercise correctly. Spread the word about your physical-fitness expertise at health spas, running, swimming and biking clubs, and other athletic outlets.
Picture FramerGet in the frame with a picture framing service. You can work with gallery owners, artists, portrait photographers and individuals who've purchased a print, painting or fine photo. If you aren't already a framing expert, read up, take classes at a local college or community center, then assemble your tools--including clamps, saws, miter boxes, glue, and a pneumatic or hand stapler. Establish relationships with local artists' groups, galleries, photographers and print shops that can give you their business or refer their customers to you.
Plant Leasing And MaintenanceGot a green thumb and a delivery van? You're all set to service corporations, home builders, health clubs and other businesses who want fresh greenery. Develop a steady clientele with a regular watering, pruning and fertilizing program and a full replacement guarantee.
Records SearchUsing specialized databases, you'll search public records on your computer to help your clients find lost loves, check out questionable suitors, track down debtors, verify a contractor's track record, or dig up facts on a business opportunity. Clients include attorneys, businessowners and individuals.
Restaurant DeliveryWhether it's macaroni and cheese or a five-course gourmet meal, at-home meal replacement is fast becoming the newest way to dine. When customers want their restaurant orders "to go," you'll be "on the go" with your restaurant delivery service. A great way to make your late afternoons and weekends extra-profitable!
T-Shirt DesignIf you're an artist in search of a medium, why not make T-shirts your canvas? Paint, draw, bead or appliqué your designs on plain T-shirts, and spend your weekends showcasing your art-to-wear at farmers' markets and crafts fairs.
Wallpaper HangingHelp residential and commercial clients turn drab walls into works of art with your wallpaper-hanging skills. Build a growing business with great referrals and repeat customers. Drop off fliers at paint and wallpaper stores; also, advertise in shopper publications, in homeowner-association newsletters, and on bulletin boards at local supermarkets and malls.
Yoga and Tai Chi InstructorIn today's hectic, fast-paced world, parents, business owners and students alike can benefit from the deep-breathing, relaxation and centering techniques you can teach them. Get started by offering classes at health clubs, through your city's recreation and parks department, or on your own.

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