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Friday, August 12, 2016

The most common Internet/computer security threats. & How to Stay Safe Online ?

Technology has become an inevitable part of our lives. And while Internet offers a mass amount of useful information, makes communication easier and faster than ever, it presents some threats too along the way.

Technology has become an inevitable part of our lives. And while Internet offers a mass amount of useful information, makes communication easier and faster than ever, it presents some threats too along the way.

The types of computer security threats

Trojan: Trojan is one of the most complicated threats among all. Most of the popular banking threats come from the Trojan family such as Zeus and SpyEye. It has the ability to hide itself from antivirus detection and steal important banking data to compromise your bank account. If the Trojan is really powerful, it can take over your entire security system as well. As a result, a Trojan can cause many types of damage starting from your own computer to your online account.

Virus: Looking at the technology 10 years back, Virus is something really popular. It is a malicious program where it replicates itself and aim to only destroy a computer. The ultimate goal of a virus is to ensure that the victim’s computer will never be able to operate properly or even at all. It is not so popular today because Malware today is designed to earn money over destruction. As a result, Virus is only available for people who want to use it for some sort of revenge purpose.

Worms: One of the most harmless threats where it is program designed only to spread. It does not alter your system to cause you to have a nightmare with your computer, but it can spread from one computer to another computer within a network or even the internet. The computer security risk here is, it will use up your computer hard disk space due to the replication and took up most of your bandwidth due to the spread.

Spyware: Is a Malware which is designed to spy on the victim’s computer. If you are infected with it, probably your daily activity or certain activity will be spied by the spyware and it will find itself a way to contact the host of this malware. Mostly, the use of this spyware is to know what your daily activity is so that the attacker can make use of your information. Such as if you browse on sex toys for a week every day, the attacker will try to come out with a sex toy scam to cheat on your money.

Scareware: Scareware is something that plant into your system and immediately inform you that you have hundreds of infections which you don’t have. The idea here is to trick you into purchasing a bogus anti-malware where it claims to remove those threats. It is all about cheating your money but the approach is a little different here because it scares you so that you will buy.

Keylogger: Something that keeps a record of every keystroke you made on your keyboard. Keylogger is a very powerful threat to steal people’s login credential such as username and password. It is also usually a sub-function of a powerful Trojan.

Adware: Is a form of threat where your computer will start popping out a lot of advertisement. It can be from non-adult materials to adult materials because any ads will make the host some money. It is not really harmful threat but can be pretty annoying.

Backdoor: Backdoor is not really a Malware, but it is a form of method where once a system is vulnerable to this method, attacker will be able to bypass all the regular authentication service. It is usually installed before any virus or Trojan infection because having a backdoor installed will ease the transfer effort of those threats.

Wabbits: Is another a self-replicating threat but it does not work like a Virus or Worms. It does not harm your system like a Virus and it does not replicate via your LAN network like a Worms. An example of Wabbit’s attack is the fork bomb, a form of DDoS attack.

Exploit: Exploit is a form of software which is programmed specifically to attack certain vulnerability. For instance if your web browser is vulnerable to some out-dated vulnerable flash plugin, an exploit will work only on your web browser and plugin. The way to avoid hitting into exploit is to always patch your stuff because software patches are there to fix vulnerabilities.

Must Read: Secure Your Accounts Against Cybercrime

Botnet: Botnet is something which is installed by a BotMaster to take control of all the computer bots via the Botnet infection. It mostly infects through drive-by downloads or even Trojan infection. The result of this threat is the victim’s computer, which is the bot will be used for a large scale attack like DDoS.

Dialer: This threat is no longer popular today but looking at the technology 10 years back or more where we still access the internet using a dial-up modem, it is quite a popular threat. What it does is it will make use of your internet modem to dial international numbers which are pretty costly. Today, this type of threat is more popular on Android because it can make use of the phone call to send SMS to premium numbers.

Dropper: Looking at the name, a Dropper is designed to drop into a computer and install something useful to the attacker such as Malware or Backdoor. There are two types of Dropper where one is to immediately drop and install to avoid Antivirus detection. Another type of Dropper is it will only drop a small file where this small file will auto trigger a download process to download the Malware.

Fake AV: Fake Antivirus threat is a very popular threat among Mac user about 10 months ago. Due to the reason that Mac user seldom faces a virus infection, scaring them with message which tells them that their computer is infected with virus is pretty useful where it results them into purchasing a bogus antivirus which does nothing.

Phishing: A fake website which is designed to look almost like the actual website is a form of phishing attack. The idea of this attack is to trick the user into entering their username and password into the fake login form which serves the purpose of stealing the identity of the victim. Every form sent out from the phishing site will not go to the actual server, but the attacker controlled server.

Cookies: Cookies is not really a Malware. It is just something used by most websites to store something into your computer. It is here because it has the ability to store things into your computer and track your activities within the site. If you really don’t like the existence of cookies, you can choose to reject using cookies for some of the sites which you do not know.

Bluesnarfing: Bluesnarfing  is all about having an unauthorized access to a specific mobile phones, laptop, or PDA via Bluetooth connection. By having such unauthorized access, personal stuff such as photos, calender, contacts and SMS will all be revealed and probably even stolen.

Bluejacking: Bluejacking is also uses the Bluetooth technology but it is not as serious as Bluesnarfing. What it does is it will connect to your Bluetooth device and send some message to another Bluetooth device. It is not something damaging to your privacy or device system compared to the Bluesnarfing threat.

DDoS: One of the most famous thing done by Anonymous, which is to send millions of traffic to a single server to cause the system to down with certain security feature disable so that they can do their data stealing. This kind of trick which is to send a lot of traffic to a machine is known as Distributed Denial of Service, also known as DDoS.

Boot Sector Virus: It is a virus that places its own codes into computer DOS boot sector or also known as the Master Boot Record. It will only start if there it is injected during the boot up period where the damage is high but difficult to infect. All the victim need to do if they realize there is a boot sector virus is to remove all the bootable drive so that this particular virus will not be able to boot.

Browser Hijackers: A browser hijacker uses the Trojan Malware to take control of the victim’s web browsing session. It is extremely dangerous especially when the victim is trying to send some money via online banking because that is the best time for the hijacker to alter the destination of the bank account and even amount.

Chain Letters: When I was small, I got tricked with chain letters written by my friend. But chain letters does not stop at that era. It brings to adult life as well where people like to send chain letter such as Facebook account delete letter. It usually says if you don’t forward that particular message or email to 20 people or more, your account will be deleted and people really believe that.

Virus Document: Virus today can be spread through document file as well especially PDF documents. Last time, people will only advice you not to simply execute an EXE file but in today’s world with today’s technology, document file should also be avoided. It is best if you use an online virus scanner to scan first before opening any single file which you feel it is suspicious.

Mousetrapping: a Mousetrapping Malware before where what it does is it will trap your web browser to a particular website only. If you try to type another website, it will automatically redirect you back. If you try clicking forward/backward of the navigation button, it will also redirect you back. If you try to close your browser and re-open it, it will set the homepage to that website and you can never get out of this threat unless you remove it.

Obfuscated Spam: To be really honest, obfuscated Spam is a spam mail. It is obfuscated in the way that it does not look like any spamming message so that it can trick the potential victim into clicking it. Spam mail today looks very genuine and if you are not careful, you might just fall for what they are offering.

Pharming: Pharming works more or less like phishing but it is a little tricky here. There are two types of pharming where one of it is DNS poisoning where your DNS is being compromised and all your traffic will be redirected to the attacker’s DNS. The other type of pharming is to edit your HOST file where even if you typed on your web browser, it will still redirect you to another site. One thing similar is that both are equally dangerous.

Crimeware: Crimeware is a form of Malware where it takes control of your computer to commit a computer crime. Instead of the hacker himself committing the crime, it plants a Trojan or whatever the Malware is called to order you to commit a crime instead. This will make the hacker himself clean from whatever crime that he had done.

SQL Injection: SQL injection does not infect the end users directly. It is more towards infecting a website which is vulnerable to this attack. What it does is it will gain unauthorized access to the database and the attacker can retrieve all the valuable information stored in the database.

Ransomware: Ransomware is a type of malware that prevents or limits users from accessing their system, either by locking the system's screen or by locking the users' files unless a ransom is paid. More modern ransomware families, collectively categorized as crypto-ransomware, encrypt certain file types on infected systems and forces users to pay the ransom through certain online payment methods to get a decrypt key.

Rogue security software: A special type of threat is software that claims to be security software. It tricks users that have installed it to pay a sum of money to be really protected (which they will not be). Most often it pretends to be antivirus and antispyware programs.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Quick Tips to Improve Your Web Design Skills

Every web designer has a secret or two. Hard-won workflows, hidden hacks, and insider knowledge that are the mark of true experience and the stuff that separates great web design training from good.
Here, we've managed to persuade some of the web's busiest devs and designers to part with their most closely guarded tricks and tips. It's quite a collection.
Packed with professional know-how, you'll discover secret features of well known tools, the beta services that the design industry is buzzing about and CSS tricks that make page design for multiple platforms easy. So whether you're a beginner at online design or a web veteran, you're bound to uncover one or two tips here that will change the way you work.

Design in shades of gray, then add color

If your web designer creates wireframes prior to visual designs, then you know the value of starting with shades of gray.  Turn your wireframe into a grayscale visual design, add your photography, then carefully add color to design elements one at a time.  
This will prevent an “overdesigned” website and help to place prominence on just the items that need it.

Use Keynote (Mac) to create rapid page prototypes

You don’t need Photoshop to create rapid prototypes of web pages, landing pages, call to actions or other web interface elements.  There’s an entire underground movement around using Keynote (that’s Apple’s version of PowerPoint) to create mockups.

There’s even an online repository containing user interface design templates for wireframing, prototyping and testing mobile and web apps in Keynote.

Add web fonts to your corporate style guide

It’s 2015, and if your corporate style guide doesn’t include web fonts, then you need to look into adding those so your website has the same governance that corporate documents and collateral does.
If you haven’t looked into this yet, Google Fonts is a great place to start. Find a suitable web font and define usage in your corporate style guide so you use it consistently online

Remove sidebars

The sidebar has been an especially popular web design trend for the last ten years, especially on blogs. Many companies are finding that when they remove sidebars from their blogs, it encourages reader attention to the article and the call to action at the end.
Removing the sidebar on our company blog has increased the number of clicks on call to action graphics over 35%.

Get color inspiration from nature

Struggling to find the perfect color combination for your website or a call to action graphic? Get your inspiration from nature. You can either use your own camera to photograph natural wonders around you or find landscape photos on the web, the use a color picker to select a color. Nature’s color palette never fails.

Step away from the computer

Good design starts with great planning. Getting your ideas down on paper or on a whiteboard can help you iterate through a design, refining it and adding detail as you go along. Drawing on a whiteboard can also make the design process collaborative and allow other team members to give input.

It’s also easy to erase pencil from paper or marker from a whiteboard and make quick changes, and once you have something concrete to work with, snap a photo with your mobile phone and get to work on screen.

Use Pinterest to create mood boards

When you’re putting together inspiration and ideas for a new website, or you’re redesigning part of your website, you need a way to collect your inspiration in one place for future reference.
Did you know that you can use Pinterest to create a mood board of your favorite images, colors, layouts, patterns, sample websites and concept material? Another great advantage of using Pinterest is that other designers create and share mood boards too, and they’ve already curated a ton of resources that you can use.
Bury those social media icons
You did all that work to get people to your website, and yet you’re inviting them to leave? That’s what you’re doing when you place social media icons in a prominent location of your website, like in the header. Bury the icons in the footer.
If people are on your website, you want them to stay, learn and perhaps inquire about your services, not check out company picnic photos and bowling outings on Facebook. Social media should send people to your website, not vice versa.

Ditch the slideshow/carousel
When the homepage slideshow/image carousel came into fashion, it was a way to get lots of information on the first page of your website. The problem is that most people don’t stay on the page long enough to experience all of the tiles/messages.  
What’s more is that the messages and images usually aren’t relevant to your prospect’s first visit. What’s the one thing a visitor should take away from their website visit? Promote that one thing -- usually what your company does in layman’s terms -- and ditch the rest.

Simplify navigation

Reducing your visitors’ options might seem counter intuitive, but it can actually help guide people to your most productive content. Rather than overwhelming your website visitors with links to every page, simplify your navigation.
Eliminate dropdown menus and especially multi-tier dropdown navigation that only the most skilled mouse user can navigate, and go a step further by reducing the number of links in the header or sidebar of your website.

Increase your font size

Typography is incredibly important in web design. Text is hard enough to read on a computer screen, so you have to make the important things stand out.
One way to do this is to increase your font sizes, especially for headings and important blocks of text. Consider increasing the size of your normal font, too.

Use white space

It may be hard to believe that using whitespace is a hack, but I evaluate websites every day that could use more whitespace. Not every blank area of the screen needs to be filled.
Even though whitespace and simplicity are in style right now, too many companies try to cram everything into a small space, or worse yet, “above the fold.”  Give your design room to breathe, and your website visitors will be able to find things easier.

Use the squint test

Want a quick way to learn what’s most prominent on your website? Back away from your computer screen and squint.  Most everything will become blurry, and only the larger, colorful, more prominent features will be noticeable.


How to Speed Up a Mac ?

Macs can perform slowly, too. If your Mac seems to be running slower than it should, the variety of tips here should help you identify and fix the problem. There are many reasons a Mac might be slow.Stay away from programs that promise to “optimize” your Mac and make it run faster. Some “cleaning” programs — like the Mac version of CCleaner — can remove temporary files and free up space, but they won’t make your Mac perform faster.
Manage Your Startup Items
It goes without saying that a clean startup helps speed up a slow Macbook. When your Mac launches faster, it takes less time to do anything. No waiting for Safari, Chrome, or Firefox to load — they open instantly. How do you get such speed? Well, when your Mac boots up, it runs a lot of unnecessary apps. It’s quite easy to take control of it again. Go to your System Preferences > Users & Groups and then click on your username. Now click on “Login Items,” select a program you don’t immediately need when your Mac starts up, and click the “-” button below.
Use Activity Monitor
If you want to see what apps are using up your system, open the Activity Monitor in the Utilitiesfolder.
Activity Monitor shows all the processes on your Mac (some of which you can’t or shouldn’t close) so click on View and Windowed Processes. Now click on the CPU button and the CPU column to list all programs by the amount of CPU they are using.
You can also use this to see what memory, disk and network processes are using up resources. A new feature in Mavericks is Energy that enables you to see which apps and processes are using up the most amount of energy from your battery.
Clean Up Your Hard Drive
If you want the most bang for your buck, cleaning your hard drive is by far the best and easiest way to speed up Macbook or iMac. Go through your hard drive and clean out everything that’s slowing it down. But how to clean up a Mac? What to look for? Caches, logs, apps, widgets, language packs, plugins, hidden trashes, and large files. Good news is, you can clean up Mac manually. But (there’s always a but) finding all of these things and removing them takes time, plus you have to know where to look. So there’s an easy solution to it,CleanMyMac 3 app has everything you need to finish the 3-hour task of hard drive cleanup in under 5 minutes. Even more, it will clean up the junk you didn’t even know about and give your Mac major a speedup.
Update Your Mac (OS and Hardware)
Typically, Macs take care of themselves. The latest software from Apple makes speeding your Mac up simple. Currently, the latest OS X is El Capitan. Compare it to the OS X version on your Mac by clicking on the apple icon in the top left corner of your screen. Then click About This Mac. Make sure you have the latest OS X installed (or the latest you can install, since not all Macs upgrade to El Capitan). As for the hardware upgrade, as you’ve probably guessed, it’s costly. But if your OS is the latest you can install on your Mac and you’ve cleaned up your hard drive, and you still have troubles with speed, this could be your option. Keep in mind that upgrading Mac hardware is not possible on certain Macs.

Must Read: How to Fix Common iPhone 6 Problems 

Manage your startup items
Obviously, a clean startup helps speed up a Macbook that’s running slowly. No wasted time waiting for Chrome, Firefox, or Safari to load. Instant access! Well, when your Mac boots up, it runs a lot of unnecessary apps that slow your Mac down.
Take control of your Mac again! Go to your System Preferences > Users & Groups and then click on your username. Now click on Login Items. Select a program you don’t immediately need when your Mac starts up, and then click the “” button below.
Taking care of these startup programs is an easy way to help add speed to your Mac.

Turn off visual effects
Most Macs are now capable of running Mac OS X Mavericks without any trouble. But some people prefer to keep the dock static to prevent slowdown. Click System Preferences > Dock and uncheck the following check boxes:
  • Magnification
  • Animate opening applications
  • Automatically hide and show the dock
  • Turn off accessibility
Now click on Minimize windows using and change Genie Effect to Scale Effect.
Repair Disk Permissions
This might sound complicated, but it’s actually not that hard. In short, it means checking if your Mac goes to the right places to get info. It’s an alternative to the old “turn it off and on again” method. But it involves using Terminal (if you’re on El Capitan) and if you’re not familiar with it, we recommend simply “downloading CleanMyMac 3”, a Mac maintenance app that has a bunch of optimizing tools, including one-click disk permission repair. If Terminal doesn’t scare you much, you can open it and run commands. To open Terminal, either use Spotlight Search and type it in, or find it in the Apps/Utilities folder. 
Now, in the Terminal window, type in this:
sudo /usr/libexec/repair_packages --verify --standard-pkgs /

This will verify permissions. If you see anything (or a lot of things) starting with “Permissions differ”, type in this:

sudo /usr/libexec/repair_packages --repair --standard-pkgs --volume /
Update your software (and set to auto update)
Make sure you perform a software update for Mac OS X and all the apps installed in Mac. Click on the Apple icon in the menu bar and choose Software Update (or open Software Update in the App Store).
If you have apps purchased outside of the App Store, they will need to be updated separately. You’ll usually find Check for Software Update from the program name in the menu bar.
AppFresh is an app that can help keep track of all your software and checks it constantly to see if updates are available. Some apps can also self-update by integrating with AppFresh.
You should also make sure that Mac OS X keeps itself up to date. Click on System Preferences > App Store and ensure that Automatically Check For Updates is ticked. You can also tick Install App Updates, which will automatically ensure that apps are updated.
Clear out your caches
If you regularly use your computer, odds are that it’s building up all sorts of cruft over time. That’s taking up space on your hard drive, and could also be slowing down applications. Web browsers, with their backlog of history and massive caches, are famous for this, which is why it’s a good idea to clear your cache from time to time. But they’re not the only programs that build up caches and other files over time, which is why we recommend you check out CCleaner for Mac.
Uninstall software you don’t use
Freeing up space on your boot drive can increase performance, particularly if your drive is nearly full. An easy way to save a bunch of space is to delete apps you don’t use anymore. So if you’re the kind of person who installs a bunch of apps and then forgets about them, it’s time for a journey. We need to head to your Applications folder and take out the trash. But don’t just drag your applications to the Trash icon -that will leave behind a bunch of stuff you don’t need. Instead, look into the free application AppCleaner.

Find and delete unnecessary files

Apps probably aren’t taking up most of the space on your drive — it’s files. But which ones? The free application Grand Perspective gives you a birds-eye view of your files, with the largest files taking the form of the biggest blocks. Explore this and see if there are any large files you want to delete or move to an external hard drive for long-term storage.

Clean up your desktopHere’s a quick tip: if your desktop is a cluttered mess of icons, clean it up. Your desktop is a window like any other, so if it’s so overwhelming you can’t find files, it’s also probably slowing down your system. Even putting everything on your desktop into a folder can help, if you’re too overwhelmed to actually sort everything. We get it.


Best Tech and Computer Magazines

Here is a list of top ten Computer and Technology magazines that will give you great edge on current Trends and happenings around the Tech field.Apart from news these magazines provides Gadget Reviews,How to Tips and solutions to common encountered problem in their Niche.


Most famous Tech Magazine which discuss about the Latest Gadgets and Articles related to Science and technology.The subscription charges are different for USA and other countries.

2. PCWorld

The one and only magazine you need if you are passionate about Gadgets,Every month It presents Gadgets Reviews,Computer How to Tips and Free Applications which comes in a DVD.

3. Linux Journal

The most popular Linux magazine,You can get to know the news around Linux and Opensource software’s.You can read Reviews about latest Opensource Software’s and Linux Distributions.Apart from that they are very popular for their Linux How To Articles.

4. Mac World

If you are a Mac user then you definitely need this magazine,It provides the Review about Latest Apple releases,both Hardware and software.You can also discover latest iPhone and iPad Apps.

5. PC Magazine

Provides Review of Latest Smart Phones,Laptops,Desktops and Digital Cameras.They also provide News,PC tips,Internet Tips and Software Downloads.

6.  .NET Magazine

If you are Web Developer or Software Developer you badly need this excellent Magazine,It provides lot of Tutorials.You can also read latest news in IT field and Interviews by famous Tech personalities.

7. Computer World

This magazine provides latest IT news and Gadget Reviews,Most attractive feature is “It is Free of Cost” yes You can Subscribe this magazine without spending a penny.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Best Messaging Apps Available for You.

Text message is quickly becoming passe, particularly in light of the explosion of popular, easy-to-use messaging apps. WhatsApp, Telegram, Send, Line and other apps all offer free text messaging. And that's not even mentioning the options for voice, video and file-sharing to other users. Check out our favorite mobile messaging apps.

  • Skype: This is a popular messaging app with quite a reputation. Both individuals and businesses make use of Skype calls and online messenger. Although there is a precedent of conversation leakage by Microsoft, it still remains a reliable and loved app.
  • Viber: Another app with millions of users on a daily basis, Viber has got some security features that cannot be ignored. It used to be basic messaging app, but now it has introduced end-to-end encryption.

  • Wickr Me: With encryption by default, this app is great and allows security enhancement. It is available on Apple Store and Google Play Store, helping out all mobile users to up their scale of communication online.
  • WeChat: This is a free app that allows chat and calls. Even though there is no encryption, there is a huge percentage of global share following the app. It also helps you to send money and keep track of celebs, besides messaging features.
iMessage: If you are the proud owner of an iPhone or iPad, you can turn to iMessage for encryption and ease of use in communication. Facetime is a similar app. iMessage is about to launch the same app for Android devices, but it is not yet available.

Signal: It is available for iOS and Android OS. There is encryption with the same details that WhatsApp use. Yet, the software is open source and this is not the same as Signal. If you are not worried about speed, Signal is a great app.
  • Line: Free voice calls and free text messages appeal to people, of course. This is why Line has become one of the most popular apps in messaging for the Asian market. Security layering has increased a great deal over the years, which is great.
  • Snapchat: Snapchat is pretty cool as an app and it has some really great features. But, there is a drawback that you should be aware of. Messages can be kept forever, which makes privacy concerns quite valid.

  • Slack: Without any end-to-end encryption, this is a powerful collaboration tool or in essence a reliable messaging app. It works well with Google Drive, Github and so on, while it is ideal for startups and software developers.

  • Take a pick and enjoy chatting, sending and receiving messages! Communication needs to be convenient and practical, running smoothly and without any second guessing – so fire away!

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